Rules Ive Used # This file intentionally does not come with signatures. Put your local # additions here. # alert icmp any any <> any any (msg: "IP ID 35369 Found"; id:35369; sid: 1000001; rev:1) # log tcp any any <> any any (msg: "ALL SYN FLAGS"; flags:S; sid: 1000001; rev:1;) # log tcp any any <> any any (msg: "ALL SYN FLAGS"; flags:P,A; sid: 1000001; rev:1;) # log ip any any <> any any (msg: "SAME-IP IN IP"; sameip; sid:1000001; rev:1;)#This was not used in the first snort, they only wanted the next 2 rules, which showed less dups log udp any any <> any any (msg: "SAME-IP IN TCP"; sameip; sid:1000001; rev:1;) log tcp any any <> any any (msg: "SAME-IP IN UDP"; sameip; sid:1000002; rev:1;) Snort Params: Some Sniffer mode parameters are explained in the table below; Parameter Description -v Verbose. Display the TCP/IP output in the console. -d Display the packet data (payload). -e Display...